Employee Information

Use the Employee Information function to set up and maintain employee records and to assign earning codes, taxes, deductions, and employer costs to employees. You cannot use this function to edit earning or withholding amounts. You can use the Employee History function to change these amounts, but to maintain the most accurate audit trail, use the functions on the Daily Work and Payday Work menus to make changes to employee earnings or withholdings. If you edit employee history directly, you should print the audit log when you are prompted to do so to maintain a proper audit trail.

Because you must print W-2 forms and other year-end reports for all employees, including terminated ones, you cannot fully delete employee records with amounts in history. Instead, terminated employee records are deleted for current-year data when you perform year-end maintenance, and are retained in last year's tables so that you can produce W-2 forms.

Note: If you set up Payroll for the first time at the beginning of a calendar year, you do not need to enter employee history. However, if you set up Payroll at any time after the start of the year, you must enter earnings, deductions, and tax amounts for the current payroll year into History Adjustments function, or enter transactions for hourly employees and calculate, print and post checks for hourly and salary employees for each pay period for your current tax year, for tax reporting purposes. Use the Manual Checks function to enter earnings, deductions, and tax amounts into employee history and check history for tax reporting purposes.

To create a new employee, use the New button on the toolbar.

  • Enter an Employee ID for the employee.
  • Select the employee's Status: Active or Inactive.
    • The Active status means that the employee is actively working for the company and receiving a payroll check.
    • The Inactive status means that the employee has been terminated and is no longer working for the company and will not be receiving a payroll check. The inactive employees may be filtered out of the search boxes for employees. The inactive status replaces the functionality of not bringing forward employees to the new payroll year.
  • If you want to copy information from another employee, select the employee to copy from in the Copy From drop-down list. When you copy from an existing employee the following fields are copied: Department, Labor Class, Type (hourly or salary), Status (Full-time or Part-time), Group Code, Pay Periods Per Year, Text User Fields, Default Earning Code, Valid Earning Codes, Leave Codes, Federal Tax setup, State Tax setup, Local Tax setup, Deductions and Employer Costs.
  • Mark the Payroll Enabled check box if the employee is going to be used as an employee in Payroll. Otherwise clear the check box if the employee is to be used as a System Manager employee.
  • Use the Picture button on the toolbar to select a picture for the employee. Picture dialog box information
  • Use the Document Delivery button to set the type and method of delivery for documents for the employee such as payroll vouchers.
  • Click the Search Email button () to view the emails to and/or from the employee selected, searching for the email address on the General tab. You must have the Message Tracking Setup in System Manager completed to use this function.
  • Attachments

Produce an Employee Information List

Use the Employee Information List function to view a list of employees and associated information.

Produce Employee Labels

Use the Employee Labels function to produce virtually any size and style of standard or mailing labels for employees.

Produce an Employee Direct Deposit Information List

Use the Employee Direct Deposit Information List function to produce a list of a list of employees' direct deposit information.